· RM Products Ltd is the leading manufacturer of modular fiberglass enclosures used in a variety of industries.
· RM’s modular design allows for flexibility in providing the perfect enclosures customized to your specific needs.
· From concept to final product RM’s CAD design and support team provide a total solution to your equipment enclosure needs.
· RM has the ability to design a non-corrosive enclosure or cover to house your equipment.
· One stop solution including electrical options.
· With our RM Products modular design you have the ability to assemble in difficult locations where construction is very constrained.
· Let RM be a part of your team to help you on a project and design the enclosure or cover needed for the equipment.
· RM also provides 3D CAD drawings.
· RM’s enclosures are easy to ship, components only or pre-assembled.
· RM enclosures are light weight and high strength.
Recent buildings we have provided for Wastewater Treatment Equipment Covers, Control Center Buildings, Gate Houses, Compressor Buildings, Pump Covers, Compressor Rooms, Generator Covers, Micro Sheds, Storage Buildings, IT Buildings, Control Buildings, Gate Houses, Compressor Buildings, Intake Buildings, Substations, Mechanical Enclosures (MECS), Compressor Rooms, Storage Buildings, Noise Monitoring Equipment Enclosures, Channel Covers, Air Monitoring Equipment Enclosures, Odor Control Buildings, Hauled Waste Water Receiving Facilities, Remediation Filter Covers and Waste Container Enclosures. We are also being selected to design Control and Inverter buildings for Solar Farms.
RM Products Fiberglass Buildings for Communications
Our enclosures are non-metallic & non-conductive. They provide a natural safety barrier for personnel.
Our buildings can be factory built, all surface mounted and wired electrical items, ready to ship to site.
RM can accommodate additional equipment to be added to the enclosure for the special heat generating equipment communications require. There is no concern as the buildings allow for any equipment to be mounted internally or externally.
RM Products Ltd. Fiberglass Buildings for Power, Hydro & Utility Industry
Our buildings are;
Arc Resistant with High Dielectric strength, Non-Metallic, Non-Corrosive and Non-Combustible.
The enclosures provide a natural safety barrier for personnel and equipment, are easy to ship, components only or pre-assembled.
The protection of our environment is a key issue when storing hazardous materials. Properly containing chemicals is a necessary step for any business in ensuring that products are stored safely.
The chemical resistance of fiberglass is an ideal match for this application. Fiberglass will not rot, rust or corrode in the presence of even the most corrosive chemicals.
RM Products factory assembles all spill containment buildings, making them “ready to use” upon delivery. If the desired location of the spill containment unit changes, the building can be easily relocated by a forklift or tilt-n-load truck. Truly Portable Containment Buildings.
Spill containment buildings may require a grated floor placed on top of the fiberglass pan which allows spillage to flow under and remain below the walking space in the enclosure. When required, steel or fiberglass grating can be supplied.
#1 - Communications Shelter
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